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Micha Boyett From Her Substack: The Slow Way
“I believe we can grow in our capacity for joy, based on the decisions we make. We can put ourselves in situations and relationships that increase our joy, even if our level of happiness doesn’t change. What I’m trying to say is perhaps joy isn’t necessarily abstract. It’s rooted in the choices we make, even as it bubbles out of the goodness of God. Joy asks for our participation.”
Find Micha’s full post here: https://substack.com/inbox/post/153416218
Micha goes on to share some of the ways she experiences this kind of participatory joy. I will leave a link in the episode notes so you can go and find them — and you should really see these incredible experiences of hers like embodiment, spiritual practices, good food, and caring for others.
I resonate with:
· Joy is deeper and more enduring than happiness. It has an eternal divine element that is present even in the darkest most painful moments.
· Contentment. Not a submissive “giving up” sort of thing. But an internal realization of knowing we don’t have to have all the answers to the joy we experience in life. That we have a freedom of knowing joy connects us to a bigger story that will outlast the present pains and unhappiness.
· Joy needs our embodiment. Joy needs participation. (Participating in relationships and community tend to make me forget current struggles.)
Final thoughts:
· The Divine Participation & Joy
· He participates in the crying, the hunger, and the desire for warmth and to be embraced and held by those who love him.
· The story of Emmanuel… God with us. Where He joins us here at the bottom of the well.
· This is the joy and hope I want to spend more time with as we enter the New Year.
Merry Christmas and may the blessing of Emmanuel, God with us, fill your home!
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